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Membership and Services

As we age, retirement; loss of family and friends; and mobility issues can result in decreased social contacts. Research shows that social connection contributes to better health and emotional well-being.

In 2011, a small group of Village residents began forming an organization to address their mutual concerns about aging in place. After several years of hard work by many volunteers, VILLAGE in the Village began serving members in 2014. Since then, ViV has grown from a concept to a viable organization of over 150 friends and neighbors!

We accomplish our mission through a two-tiered, dues based membership program. Find out more about our services below and choose which membership level is right for you!

Benefits of membership


Supporting Members

Supporting Members are the “backbone” of ViV and may participate in all ViV social events, including weekly coffees, bocce ball, nature walks, concerts, lunches, happy hours, and many other activities. Supporting Members “pay it forward” within our community with their membership fee.

Additionally, by volunteering to provide services and support to Full Members, Supporting Members help ensure the sustainability of our organization. Of course, no member is required to volunteer.

Supporting Members may also request services from our volunteers. They may request up to six weeks of services for a short term need, or up to 8 services per year. 

Individual Supporting Membership:

$205 per year

Household Supporting Membership:

$230 per year

Become a Supporting Member

Full Members

In addition to being able to participate in our ViV social events, Full Members are entitled to access regular volunteer services and support. The membership fee provides access to trained and screened volunteers through a coordinated system of linking members with volunteers.


Criteria for Full Membership:

º A senior responsible for, and capable of, making key decisions about one’s own life.

º Living in a residence that presents no known threats to health or safety.


º Self-sufficient in meeting personal care needs either through self-care or arrangements with a personal caregiver.


Individual Full Membership:

$410 per year


Household Full Membership:

$485 per year


Request a Full Member interview

Access Fund

For those who need it, and meet income and eligibility criteria, the Access Fund is available to help defray membership fees.

Inquire about the Access Fund


Visit our FAQ Page for answers to common questions, or contact our Call Manager Team at (505) 274-6206!

Call us today!

(505) 274-6206